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Neural Bayes estimators for likelihood-free and amortised inference for spatial extremes

Neural Bayes estimators for likelihood-free and amortised inference for spatial extremes

Neural Bayes estimators for likelihood-free and amortised inference for spatial extremes

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Likelihood-based inference with spatial extremal dependence models is often infeasible in moderate or high dimensions due to an intractable likelihood function and/or the need for computationally expensive censoring to reduce estimation bias. Neural Bayes estimators are a promising recent approach to inference that uses neural networks to transform data into parameter estimates. They are likelihood-free, inherit the optimality properties of Bayes estimators, and are substantially faster than classical methods. Neural Bayes estimators are adapted for peaks-over-threshold dependence models; in particular, a methodology is developed for coping with the computational challenges often encountered when modelling spatial extremes (e.g., censoring). Substantial improvements are demonstrated in computational and statistical efficiency relative to conventional likelihood-based approaches using popular extremal dependence models, including max-stable and r-Pareto processes and random scale mixtures. The application to Arabian PM2.5 concentrations illustrates the significant computational advantages of using the estimator over traditional likelihood-based techniques, as it requires fitting over 100 million spatial extremal dependence models.

Bio: I'm currently a Lecturer in Statistics at The University of Edinburgh, having joined very recently at the start of February. In 2021, I received my PhD in Statistics and Operational Research from the STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training at Lancaster University. Following that, I pursued a postdoc working on "Sparse models for spatio-temporal extremes" at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia. My main research focus is predominantly on extreme value theory, spatial statistics, and statistical machine learning. I'm particularly interested in the use of deep learning to facilitate fast, reliable inference and provide flexible models for extremes.



Harrison 170